Notification given pursuant to Art. 160 of the Act on Trading in Financial instruments.

Report number 024/2014

Legal basis: Art. 160.4 of the Act on Trading - information about transactions effected by persons having access to confidential information

The Management Board of LC Corp S.A. (the Issuer) reports that on 4 April 2014 the Company received a notification, pursuant to Art. 160 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, from a Member of LC Corp S.A. Management Board, who reported that according to information obtained from a person – closely related to him (pursuant to Art. 160.2 of the Act dated 29 July 2005 on Trading in Financial Instruments) – on 3 April 2014 disposed of 233,121 ordinary bearer shares of LC Corp S.A. The disposal was effected through Noble Securities S.A. brokerage house outside the regulated market. The total value of the transaction amounted to PLN 699, 263.
The person mentioned in the notification did not give his consent to disclosing his personal data.