Closing of the Subscription and Sale, and Allotment of Series J Shares as well as LC Corp S.A. Shares Offered for Sale
The Management Board of LC Corp S.A. reports that on June 22nd 2007 the allotment of 163,000,000 shares subject to Public Offering took place.
The Management Board of LC Corp S.A. reports that on June 22nd 2007 the allotment of 163,000,000 shares subject to Public Offering took place, including:
- 57,000,000 series J ordinary bearer shares under the Subscription Offering,
- 106,000,000 series E and F ordinary bearer shares under the Sale Offering.
1. Date of opening of the Offering: June 12th 2007, date of closing of the Offering: June 22nd 2007.
2. Date of share allotment: June 22nd 2007.
3. Number of shares under the Offering: 163,000,000, out of which: 57,000,000 series J ordinary bearer shares (under the Subscription Offering), 106,000,000 series E and F ordinary bearer shares (under the Sale Offering), broken down into:
(a) 130,400,000 Shares Offered in the Institutional Tranche,
(b) 32,600,000 Shares Offered in the Retail Tranche. 4. Reduction rates:
(c) 0% – in the Institutional Tranche,
(d) 98,122% – in the Retail Tranche.
5. Number of subscribed shares: 163,000,000, out of which:
(a) in the Institutional Tranche – 130,400,000 Offered Shares,
(b) in the Retail Tranche – 1,735,856,887 Offered Shares.
6. Number of allotted shares: 163,000,000, out of which:
(c) in the Institutional Tranche – 130,400,000 Offered Shares,
(d) in the Retail Tranche – 32,600,000 Offered Shares.
7. Issue Price and Placing Price: PLN 6.50 per share.
8. Number of persons who subscribed for Offered Shares: 4,292, out of whom:
(e) 61 – in the Institutional Tranche,
(f) 4,231 – in the Retail Tranche.
9. Number of persons allotted with Offered Shares: 4,245, out of whom:
(g) 61 – in the Institutional Tranche,
(h) 4.184 – in the Retail Tranche.
10. Underwriters: Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG. Number of securities acquired as a result of implementing the guarantee agreement: 0. Actual price of the security unit – not applicable.
11. Value of conducted subscription and sale: PLN 1,059,500,000.
12. Total cost of the Offering amounts to: since the Company has not yet completed the settlement of the costs of the Offering, the Company will give notice of the incurred costs immediately after they are known, however, not later than within the period of two weeks as of today.
13. Average cost of conducting the Public Offering amounts to: this information will be disclosed to the public together with the information referred to in item 12.
Legal basis: Art. 33.1.