Consolidated Text of Issuer’s Articles of Association Approved

Report number 53/2021

Legal basis: Article 56(1)(2) of the Act on Public Offering - current and periodic information

The Management Board of DEVELIA S.A. (“the Issuer”), with reference to the Current Report No. 47/2021 of 02 September 2021, inform that today, i.e. 17 September 2021, the Supervisory Board of the Issuer, acting under authorisation granted through the Resolutions Nos. 32 and 35 adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting on 30 June 2021, which the Issuer informed about in the Current Report No. 36/2021 of 30 June 2021, have carried a resolution on the approval of the consolidated text of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, incorporating changes resulting from the Resolutions Nos. 32 and 35 mentioned above.
The consolidated text of the Issuer’s Articles of Association, approved by the Supervisory Board, is attached to this Current Report.
Legal basis:  Article 56(1)(2)(a) of the Act on Public Offering and Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments into Organised Trading and on Public Companies (Dziennik Ustaw [Journal of Laws] of 2005, No. 184, item 1539 as amended) in connection with Section 5(1) and 6(4) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on Current and Periodic Information Published by Issuers of Securities and on Conditions for Regarding Information Required by Law of Non-Member State as Equivalent of 29 March 2018 (Dziennik Ustaw [Journal of Laws] of 2018, item 757).