Correction of press releases

Report number 98/2017

Legal basis: Art. 17 para. 1 of the Market Abuse Regulation - confidential information.

The Management Board of LC Corp S.A. (the “Issuer”) informs that with regard to the published press releases concerning the transaction described in the report of Idea Bank S.A. No. 116/2017 in which the Management Board of Idea Bank S.A. informed that on 28 September 2017 an agreement was concluded with LC Corp B.V. with its registered office in Amsterdam, with the participation of and through an investment company, regarding the sale of shares of Idea Leasing S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław, in the above-mentioned release the participation of the Issuer was falsely mentioned, that the acquisition of the shares was made by LC Corp S.A., among others in the following sentence: “LC Corp S.A. controls the group of developer special purpose vehicles implementing residential and commercial projects in the largest cities in the country. The Company has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2007”, which might mislead the participants of the capital market and the general public – web portal (material published on 2017-09-28 19:06:00 – LC Corp acquired 25 per cent of the shares of Idea Leasing for PLN 107.54 million).


The Management Board of the Issuer also informs that in view of the above-mentioned false and incorrect press releases with regard to mentioning and associating the participation of the Issuer in the transaction with Idea Bank S.A., further legal action aiming to protect the interest and image of the Issuer will be considered.


The Management Board gives this information in order to provide the investors with a reliable access to information.