Notification given pursuant to Art. 160 of the Act on Trading in Financial instruments.
Legal basis: Art. 160.4 of the Act on Trading - information about transactions effected by persons having access to confidential information
The Management Board of LC Corp S.A. (“Issuer”) reports that the Company received a notification, pursuant to Art. 160 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, from Mr Remigiusz Baliński, Member of LC Corp S.A. Supervisory Board, who reported that on 21 February 2013, the ownership of 32,723 Issuer’s shares marked PLLCCRP00017 (“Shares”), having a total value of PLN 34,686.38, had been transferred. The transfer of the ownership of the Shares was effected under the agreement on the division of joint property, involving the payment of compensation by one spouse to the other, concluded on 18 February 2013, and the dissolution of the marriage by divorce. The Shares were disposed of outside the organised trading, through a brokerage house, Noble Securities S.A., by way of the transfer of the above securities.